Wednesday, December 31, 2008

wish of love

Happy new year!
Welcome 2009! Bye bye 2008!

the last but it's not the end yet!

well well~ i guess this might be the last post for 2008

I love waking up beside u for the last time in the year 2008.
There's up and down i guess but im lucky to have u .
Graduated and started to work, feel lucky to found the one i love-w3rk!
1st pay day that i experienced!

started a new blog for myself.
Bangkok trip and kl trip with dearest!
Got myself a new camera and new friends of course!

Party hard this year! fuh!
growth 4kg~

Thank list:
Family : I always love to be grown up in this family.
Eventough sometime i might be rude and sometime we did have some little problem and started cold war! but still i love u all the most!

Babe : U're always my love one. eventough I always told u I dont believe in forever love but seriously ler there's no such thing called forever love but there's love always! :P Im glad that i found u. Love you!

Best sisters : you, you and you!! YES YOU! thank you for being my best babes such a long period i know it's hard to deal with me sometime but i promise no matter ho0w or what U gurls are always my best! Best of the best! hugs~ I miss pillow talk d ler

College friends : oh no! there's too much of u all dii! is okie im gonna say this to all of u! I MISS U GUYS SO MUCH LER! thanks for helping me thru out the who semester in college. thanks for giving me such a wonderful college life seriously i mean it esp. those who always help me *wink wink* u know who u are hahahaha *muakz* i enjoy every moment that happen in college life. eventough i always hate eaa so much but still i want to say EQUATOR ROCKS! lol

Lecturers : a very big thank you! -bow- eventough i don't learn much but at least i learned!

Old friends : I don't really get to see u guys that much but everytime u guys come back i love hanging out with u all and so im now looking foward for chinese new year hehehe that's the only time everyone will be here i guess!

New friends : I don't really know u guys that long but I would love to say I AM HAPPY TO KNOW U GUYS! thanks for everything.

Colleagues : Ok now your turn! :) Eventough i just started to joined w3rk but of course i love working there having all of u guys and gurls, man and woman, chabo and tapo as colleagues. It's nice and fun and i learn!

Last but not least I AM Sorry. so sorry to all those people that i hurt. i know sometime my words or my joke sounded sarcastic and hurt and might make u feel uncomfortable.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

oh well

How many i got in there?

Santa baby

100 days!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Monday, December 22, 2008

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Officially announce!!!!


My choice for christmas present for a pair my one and only beloved
Super dad and Lovely mum!
so well...hmmm which to choose?

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Once I dreamed to become an air-stewardess, ONCE!
I missed alot of chances to become one
so now I still feel like wanting to miss every chances i got
but there's only one thing I dont feel like losing it
*That is to become an air-stewardess in YOU heart
and I only fly with my hottest pilot to anywhere or everywhere I go
I *heart* you!!!

Monday, December 15, 2008


This is awesome!


Knowing you will be with me in all my tomorrows, makes my today so wonderful.
If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden.
Thank you for everything U have made my life more easier and happier
Thanks for shower me with your love
Thanks for spending all your precious time with me
Our anniversary means a lot,
Much more than any another day;
I celebrate my love for you,
And cherish you in every way.
Through passing time, our love still grows;
It lasts through all good times and bad.
Our future together still shines bright,
With more good times to be had!
Happy 3rd month!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Story about nothing!

Oh well it's been a long time i didnt blog something more individual and personal here. It's all about pictures so now i mean NOW seriously NOW :P i am gonna blog something more interesting here.

Time flies. It's true! U see when the last time u see me I am just a lil. gurl still go to school and college everyday and now *serious* I am proceeding to another stage of life ----- working life.

One more month to go I am gonna become legal adult dii :( how i wish I can be 21 forever!

Lately there's a lot of "juicy stuff" among my circle of friends.

Love come Love go! Well I bet all this shall be part of life. For those who just broke up with ur love one here's my words to u gurls : Babes dont worry there shall be another right guy waiting for u, please just dont be too sad for too long. Do remember I will always love u all kayss??? *hugs*

There's something I want to know but anyway it no longer that important anymore so aler just forget about it :)

few more days to go here comes 3 month anniversary dii whee~ * love love love * seriously when u sit down and think whatever you had done throughout the whole process of your life slowly count one by one, each and everything part of your life 1....2......3......4......5.....6.....and so on and then u will feel like "fuh~ time flies, my god! why am i growing up so fast?? how i wish i can turn back the time when i was just a little cute mummy girl which used to listen to dearest mummy sing lullaby when we sleep or back to a little handsome daddy son which used to cry and yearn for their hugs"

Oh another thing VIVIAN TAN IS GROWING FATTER and FATTER hahahaha :P

~end of bullshitting here~

do u think that u r useless?

Let's try something nice

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Music is what feelings sound like

Music's the medicine of the mind.
When words leave off, music begins.
Music is the medicine of the breaking heart.

An artist, in giving a concert, should not demand an entrance fee but
should ask the public to pay,
just before leaving as much as they like.
From the sum he would be able to
judge what the world thinks of him -
and we would have fewer mediocre concerts.

Without music life would be a mistake.


Last Year

This Year

Liza 姐賀41周年台慶 - 街頭熱啡雨中hiphop舞

Friday, December 5, 2008

Think out of the BOX!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

2009 is out!

Speed - Dec08 archive

48 words



Question of the day!
Do you trust your best friend?
Heard this in the morning
FlyFm Nadia: I got a friend let us name her as Liza
Liza best friend name Missi
and Missi got a boyfriend.
Liza wanted to try something new in her life
so one day Liza called Missi's Bf and and him out for movie
So they went out and inside the cinema
Liza hold Missi's Bf hand.
In this case I would like to ask all the readers of Chuusyn.blogspot
Do u trust your best friend or even friend??

Kevin Federline: My Side of the Story

Kevin Federline has been called many things in the nearly five years since Britney Spears

Since splitting with Spears in 2006 – and then watching in fear as she went through her very public breakdown – the former backup dancer, 30, has channeled all of his energy into their sons Preston, 3, and Jayden, 2. (Federline also has two kids, Kori, 6, and Kaleb, 4, with ex-girlfriend Shar Jackson, 32.)

Now that Spears, 27, is getting her life back on track, they're sharing parenting duties again – and Federline is ready to tell his side of the story exclusively to PEOPLE.

Do you remember when you first met Britney?
I met her at a club in Hollywood, Joseph's. Our eyes met and that was it. We just hit it off right away. I learned real fast how much of a whirlwind the press and everything was.

What are your happiest memories of the marriage?
Well, getting married. I never thought that I would get married but it wound up happening. That was a really, really, happy, exciting moment. I pretty much realized that I was giving my life to her, and I was doing it without question.

What went wrong?
It's hard enough to be in a marriage, and then have a kid, then kids, it changes everything. For me, I'd become more concerned with my children. Not that I ignored Britney, but my kids are always most important ... I mean, we were having complications. I didn't give her an ultimatum, but I was trying to work stuff out with her, and she didn't even talk to me or anything and went behind my back and filed [for divorce]. [I was] completely blindsided.

A lot of people assumed you fought for custody of the kids because of money.
My first question to [my lawyer] was, "Am I ever going to be able to see my children?" I told him that I would spend every last dime that I had to make sure that my children are okay. That's all that mattered. I didn't know how much power Britney had. That really scared me.

How did you react in January when Britney locked herself in the bathroom with Jayden and was later taken to the hospital on a gurney?
That whole night is a blur. You want to talk about one of my lowest points of depression, that was probably one of them. I was very, very worried for her 'cause I care about her. That's the mother of my children. Just because I'm not in love with her doesn't mean that I don't love her. I'm definitely rooting for her. There's nothing more that I want than for her to be in the best health and doing what she loves to do.

Are things getting better?
Oh, man, it's totally turning around. It works out that [the kids] get to see her. There's structure over there, there's structure at my house. We're trying to keep the same type of schedule. It doesn't have to be completely perfect, but the foundation is there. walked into his life: boy toy, gold-digger, wannabe rapper, partier. These days he answers to one name: Daddy.

As for my opinion, this is what I feel so wanted to tell Kevin : F*** YOU, JACKASS!! U better stay away from Britney. There's no way for you to ruin her life again, NO WAY, IDIOT!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Still in love with this

Miss this so much :)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Setting up!

I am mood! whee~

touched. heart





' 含辛茹苦' 這四個字用在婆婆的身上﹐絕對不為過!

我連連說好﹐馬上給婆婆收拾出一間南向帶陽台的房間﹐可以曬太陽﹐養花草什麼的。 先生站在陽光充足的房間﹐一句話沒說﹐卻突然舉起我在房間裡轉圈﹐在我張牙舞爪地求饒時﹐先生說﹕ '接咱媽去。 '

婆婆在鄉下的習慣一時改不掉。我習慣買束鮮花擺在客廳裡﹐婆婆後來實在忍不住﹕ ' 你們娃娃不知道過日子﹐買花幹什麼?又不能當飯吃! '

我笑著說﹕ ' 媽﹐家裡有鮮花盛開﹐人的心情會好。 '

婆婆低著頭嘟噥﹐先生就笑﹕ ' 媽﹐這是城裡人的習慣﹐慢慢的﹐你就習慣了。 '

婆婆不再說什麼﹐但每次見我買了鮮花回來﹐依舊忍不住問花了多少錢﹐我說了﹐他就 ' 嘖嘖 ' 咂嘴。有時﹐見我買大包小包的東西回家﹐她就問這個多少錢那個多少錢﹐我 ─如實回答﹐她的嘴就咂的更響了。

先生擰著我的鼻子說﹕ ' 小傻瓜你別告訴她真實價錢不就行了嗎?'


早餐桌上﹐婆婆的臉經常陰著﹐我裝做看不見。婆婆便把筷子弄得叮噹亂響﹐這是她無聲的抗議。我在少年宮做舞蹈老師﹐跳來跳去已夠累的了﹐早晨暖洋洋的被窩 ﹐ 我不想扔掉這惟一的享受﹐於是﹐我對婆婆的抗議裝聾作啞。婆婆偶樂幫我做一些家務﹐她一做我就更忙了。比如﹐她把垃圾袋通通收集起來﹐說等攢夠了賣廢塑料 ﹐搞得家裡到處都是廢塑料袋;她捨不得用洗潔精洗碗﹐為了不傷她的自尊﹐我只好偷偷再洗一遍。

一次﹐我晚上偷偷洗碗被婆婆看見了﹐她 ' 啪 ' 的一聲摔上門﹐趴在自己的房間裡放聲大哭。先生左右為難﹐事後﹐先生一晚上沒跟我說話﹐我撒嬌﹐耍賴﹐他也不理我。 我火了﹐ 問他﹕ ' 我究竟哪裡做錯了? '

先生瞪著我說﹕ ' 你就不能遷就一下﹐碗再不乾淨也吃不死人吧? '

後來﹐好長一段時間﹐婆婆不跟我說話﹐家裡的氣氛開始逐漸尷尬。 那段日子﹐先生活得很累﹐不知道要先逗誰開心好。

婆婆為了不讓兒子做早餐﹐義無反顧地承擔起燒早飯的 ' 重任 ' 。婆婆看著先生吃得快樂﹐再看看我﹐用眼神譴責我沒有盡到做妻子的責任。為了逃避尷尬﹐我只好在上班的路上買包奶打發自己。

睡覺時﹐先生有點生氣地問我﹕ ' 蘆荻﹐是不是嫌棄我媽做飯不乾淨才不在家吃?' 翻了一個身﹐他扔給我冷冷的脊背任憑我委屈的流淚。

最後﹐先生嘆氣﹕ ' 蘆荻﹐就當是為了我﹐你在家吃早餐行不行? ' 我只好回到尷尬的早餐桌上。
那天早晨﹐我喝著婆婆燒的稀飯﹐忽然一陣反胃﹐肚子裡所有的東西都搶著嚮外奔跑﹐我拼命地壓製著不讓它們往上涌﹐但還是沒壓住﹐我扔下碗﹐衝進衛生間﹐吐 得稀裡嘩啦。當我喘息著平定下來時﹐見婆婆夾雜著家鄉話的抱怨和哭聲﹐先生站在衛生間門口憤怒地望著我﹐我幹張著嘴巴說不出話﹐我真的不是故意的。

我和先生開始了第一次激烈的爭吵﹐婆婆先是瞪著眼看我們﹐然後起身﹐蹣跚著出門去了。先生恨恨地瞅了我一眼﹐下樓追婆婆去了。 整整三天﹐先生沒有回家﹐連電話都沒有。我正氣著﹐想想自從婆婆來後﹐我夠委屈自己了﹐還要我怎麼樣?莫明其妙的﹐我總想嘔吐﹐吃什麼都沒有胃口﹐加上亂 七八糟的家事﹐心情差到了極點。

後來﹐還是同事說﹕ ' 蘆荻﹐你臉色很差﹐還是去醫院看看吧。 '

在醫院門口﹐我看見了先生。僅僅三天沒見﹐他憔悴了許多。我本想轉身就走﹐但他的模樣讓我心疼﹐沒忍住﹐我喊了他。 先生循著聲音看見了我﹐卻好像不認識了﹐眼神裡有一絲藏不住院的厭惡﹐它們冰冷地刺傷了我。
我跟自己說不要看他不要看他﹐伸手攔了一輛出租車。那時﹐我多想向先生大喊一聲﹕ ' 親愛的我要給你生寶貝了!

' 然後被他舉起來﹐幸福地旋轉。


在出租車裡﹐我的眼淚才遲遲地落下來。為什麼一場爭吵就讓愛情糟糕到這樣的程度? 回家後﹐我躺在床上想先生﹐想他滿眼的厭惡。我握著被子的一角哭了。
夜裡﹐家裡有翻抽屜的聲音。打開燈﹐我看見先生淚流滿面的臉。他正在拿錢。我冷冷地看著他﹐一聲不響。他對我視若不見﹐拿著存折和錢匆匆離開。或許先生是 打算徹底離開我了。真是理智的男人﹐情與錢分得如此清楚。我冷笑了幾下﹐眼淚 '嘩啦嘩啦 ' 的流下來。第二天﹐我沒去上班。想徹底清理一下自己的思緒﹐找先生好好談一次。

找到先生的公司﹐秘書有點奇怪地看著我說﹕ ' 陳總的母親出了車禍﹐正在醫院裡呢。 ' 我瞠目結舌。



直到安葬了婆婆﹐先生也沒跟我說一句話﹐甚至看我一眼都帶著深深的厭惡。關於車禍﹐我還是從別人嘴裡了解到大概﹐婆婆出門後迷迷糊糊地向車站走﹐她想回老 家﹐先生越追她走得越快﹐穿過馬路時﹐一輛公交車迎面撞過來 …… 我終於明白了先生的厭惡﹐如果那天早晨我沒有嘔吐﹐如果我們沒有爭吵﹐如果 ……在他的心昊﹐我是間接殺死他母親的罪人。


日子一天一天地窒息著重覆下去﹐先生回家的時間越來越晚。我們僵持著﹐比陌路人還要尷尬。我是繫在他心上的死結。 一次﹐我路過一家西餐廳﹐穿過透明的落地窗﹐我看見先生和一個年輕女孩面對面坐著﹐他輕輕地為女孩攏了攏頭髮﹐我就明白了一切。先是呆﹐然後我進了西餐廳 ﹐站在先生面前﹐死死盯著他看﹐眼裡沒有一滴淚。我什麼也不想說﹐也無話可說。


那一夜﹐先生沒回家﹐他用這樣的方式讓我明白﹕隨著婆婆的去世﹐我們的愛情也死了。先生再也沒有回來。有時﹐我下班回來﹐看見衣櫥被動過了 ──先生回來拿一點自己的東西。



先生不在家的二個多月﹐我逐漸學會了平靜。我看著他﹐摘下帽子﹐說﹕ ' 你等一下﹐我簽字。 ' 先生看著我﹐眼神複雜﹐和我一樣。我一邊解大衣扣子一邊在心裡對自己說﹕ '不哭不哭 ……' 眼睛很疼﹐但我不讓它們流出眼淚。掛好大衣﹐先生的眼睛死死盯在我已 隆 起的肚子上。


' 蘆荻﹐你懷孕了? '

自從婆婆出事後﹐這是先生第一次跟我說話。我再也管不住眼睛﹐眼淚 ' 嘩啦 ' 地流下來。

我說﹕ '是啊﹐不過沒事﹐你可以走了。'
先生沒走﹐黑暗裡﹐我們對望著。 先生慢慢趴在我身上﹐眼淚滲透了被子。而在我心裡﹐很多東西已經很遠了﹐遠到即使我奔跑都拿不到了。 不記得先生跟我說過多少遍 ' 對不起 ' 了﹐我也曾經以為自己會原諒﹐卻不能﹐在西餐廳先生當著那個女孩的面﹐他看我的冰冷的眼神﹐這輩子﹐我忘記不了。

我們在彼此心上劃下了深深的傷痕。我的﹐是無意的;他的﹐是刻意的。期待冰釋前嫌﹐但過去的已無法重來! 除了想起肚子裡的孩子時心裡是暖的﹐而對先生﹐我心冷如霜﹐不吃他買的任何東西﹐不要他的任何禮物﹐不跟他說話。從在那張紙上簽字起﹐婚姻以及愛情統統在 我的心裡消亡。有時先生試圖回臥室﹐他來﹐我就去客廳﹐先生只好睡回婆婆的房間。


先生用呻吟斷斷續續待續到孩子出生。他幾乎每天都在給孩子買東西﹐嬰兒用品﹐兒童用品﹐以及孩子喜歡的書﹐一包包的﹐快把他的房間堆滿了。我知道他是用這 樣的方式感動我﹐而我已經不為所動。他只好關在房間裡﹐用電腦 '□ 哩啪啦 '敲字﹐或許他正網戀﹐但對我已經是無所謂的事了。



從產房出來﹐先生望著我和兒子﹐眼睛濕濕地笑啊笑啊的。我摸了一下他的手。先生望著我﹐微笑﹐然後﹐緩慢而疲憊地軟塌塌倒下去。我痛喊他的名字 ……先生笑著﹐沒睜開疲憊的眼睛 …… 我以為再也不會為先生流一滴淚﹐事實卻是﹐從沒有過如此劇烈的疼撕扯著我的身體。


我問醫生什麼 時候發現的?

醫生說五個月前﹐然後安慰我﹕ ' 準備後事吧。 '

我不顧護士的阻攔﹐回家﹐衝進先生的房間打開電腦﹐心一下子被疼窒息了。先生的肝癌在五個月前就已發現﹐他的呻吟是真的﹐我居然還以為 …… 電腦上的 20萬字﹐是先生寫給兒子的留言﹕

孩子﹐為了你﹐我一直在堅持﹐等看你一眼再倒下﹐是我現在最大的願望 …… 我知道﹐你的一生會有很多快樂或者遇到挫折﹐如果我能夠陪你經歷這個成長歷程﹐該是多麼快樂﹐但爸爸沒有這個機會了。爸爸在電腦上﹐把你一生可能遇到的問 題一一地寫下來﹐等你遇到這些問題時﹐可以參考爸爸的意見 …………孩子﹐寫完這 20 多萬字﹐我感覺像陪你經歷了整個成長過程。真的﹐爸爸很快樂。好好愛你的媽媽﹐她很辛苦﹐是最愛你的人﹐也是我最愛的人 …… 從兒子去幼兒園到讀小學﹐讀中學﹐大學﹐到工作以及愛情遙方方面面﹐事無巨細都寫到了。

親愛的﹐娶了你是我一輩子最大的幸福﹐原諒我對你的傷害﹐原諒我隱瞞了病情﹐因為我想讓你有個好的心情等待孩子的出生 ……親愛的﹐如果你哭了﹐說明你已經原諒我了﹐我就笑了﹐謝謝你一直愛我 …… 這些禮物﹐我擔心沒有機會親自送給孩子了﹐麻煩你每年替我送他幾份禮物﹐包裝盒子上都寫著送禮物的日期 ……

我把兒子抱過來﹐放在他身邊﹐我說﹕ ' 你睜開眼笑一下﹐我要讓兒子記住他在你懷抱裡的溫暖 ……' 先生艱難地睜開眼﹐微微地笑了一下。

兒子偎依在他懷裡﹐舞動粉色的小手。 我 ' 喀嚓喀嚓 '按快門﹐淚水在臉上恣意地流 ……

Birthday gurl

Happy Bird-day Sexy!
U were once so innocent and sweet
and you gone wild and crazyand now hope that everything back to normal for you.
GO BRITNEY! *hearts*

All i want for christmas is you!

Santa can you hear me
I want my babe
I want someone to love me someone to hold me
Maybe we'll be all the love under the mistletoe
Santa can you hear me?
I have been so good this year and all I want is one thing
Tell me my true love is near
He's all I want, just for me underneath my christmas tree
I'll be waiting here.
Santa thats my only wish this year.

What is the best gifts?

I just cant wait for it to come!!!
Is just around the corner, my white christmas!