Thursday, August 13, 2009

Poor little V

Found this last night! Poor V!
Ok i admit I love gutterpost so much. It's true but come to think of it why I love it?
To be honest I am quite agree that Gutterpost has now being banned in Msia. :)
because I just realise usually I mean most of the time Gutterpost is all bout womens nude photos, women sex tape leaked! It's all about women.
Some of them may not feel proud of it when they see themselves up there.
Some might even ruinned other's people future.
Sex is just a normal sexual activities for every couple
Sex should be an art, is not an issue for other people to humiliate it.
Just like the video up there. Hello is just a few of naked pictures, he shouldnt say that stupid joke in the wrong place at the wrong time.

P/s: Women's naked body is not for u guys to humiliate!

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